Cholinergic Urticaria Treatment

This article will help you a great deal if you are looking for Cholinergic Urticaria Treatment. However, if the problem gets worse, no matter which urticaria treatment you are using, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

What is Cholinergic Urticaria?

Before explaining the details of cholinergic urticaria treatment, let us understand some aspects of this disease. Cholinergic urticaria is a skin rash brought on by a hypersensitive reaction to body heat. It is a subcategory of physical urticaria.

Cholinergic Urticaria Hives

Cholinergic urticaria is also referred to as cholinergic urticaria hives, chronic heat hives, or simply heat hives.

Cholinergic Urticaria Symptoms

Cholinergic urticaria symptoms follow any stimulus to perspiration, such as running or exercising, heat from  direct sunlight, high temperature saunas, spicy foods, which may cause an increase in body temperature, very hot showers, or sometimes extreme stress. In some cases, people only have symptoms during the winter season where their body temperature rises when it is unacclimatized to heat.

Chronic Cholinergic Urticaria

Chronic cholinergic urticaria is a subset of urticaria. It is caused when the body becomes oversensitive to heat or the perspiration process. When an individual with hypersensitive skin exercises, experiences a rise in body temperature, takes a hot shower, eats spicy foods, etc, he is at risk of having a urticaria reaction.

Dermographism Cholinergic Urticaria

The literal meaning of dermographism is "writing on the skin." In most cases, dermographism cholinergic urticaria does not cause itching. A red line appears in the beginning, which is very firm. This is then followed by an axon-reflex flare with broadening erythema. Afterwards, a linear wheal is formed on the affected area, which is also termed as triple response of Lewis.

Treatment for Cholinergic Urticaria

  • Eating foods rich in vitamin E, vitamin C, or zinc may help prevent cholinergic urticaria 
  • Calamine lotion can be applied on the affected area to relieve itch 
  • Drinks like passionflower tea, peppermint tea, valerian, catnip, and chamomile may provide relief
  • Applying vitamin E oil or aloe vera gel can help soothe skin
  • Drinking nettle tea may help ease  breathing


P.S. (from Dr. Gary M. Levin, M.D. & Surgeon)
I know what you may feel and think - "I am lost! I don't have any chance to get cured etc" - I have heard this numerous times and I must tell you this: I have seen TONS of urticaria & angioedema sufferers get cured at my private clinic and online using my simple method. I KNOW what I am talking about. Do yourself a favor and check it out: Click here to see now!